Units & Conversions
We have over 200 built-in commonly used units. Add more if you need them.
To convert units in Soulver use to
or in
or as
followed by the unit you wish to convert into.
Or alternatively:
Units Reference
Basic Units
Seconds (s, secs)
Minutes (mins)
Hours (hr)
Milliseconds (ms)
Microseconds (µs)
Nanoseconds (ns)
Computer Related
Units like GB, MB, kB, etc are in base 10 (1 GB = 1000 MB)
Units like GiB, MiB, KiB, etc are in base 2 (1 GiB = 1024 MiB)
See here for more information on the SI standard with regards to units of data storage.
Bytes (B)
Bits (bit)
Yottabytes (YB)
Zettabytes (ZB)
Exabytes (EB)
Petabytes (PB)
Terabytes (TB)
Gigabytes (GB)
Megabytes (MB)
Kilobytes (kB)
Yottabits (Yb)
Zettabits (Zb)
Exabits (Eb)
Petabits (Pb)
Terabits (Tb)
Gigabits (Gb)
Megabits (Mb)
Kilobits (kb)
Yobibytes (YiB)
Zebibytes (ZiB)
Exbibytes (EiB)
Pebibytes (PiB)
Tebibytes (TiB)
Gibibytes (GiB)
Mebibytes (MiB)
Kibibytes (KiB)
Yobibits (Yib)
Zebibits (Zib)
Exbibits (Eib)
Pebibits (Pib)
Tebibits (Tib)
Gibibits (Gib)
Mebibits (Mib)
Kibibits (Kib)
Science & Math Related
Hertz (hz)
Kilohertz (kHz)
Megahertz (MHz)
Gigahertz (GHz)
Terahertz (THz)
Millihertz (mHz)
Microhertz (µHz)
Nanohertz (nHz)
Notes on Units
Mixing Units & Plain Numbers
When mixing plain numbers with units, the nearest unit will be used automatically. This is called unit assimilation.
Adding & Subtracting Mixed Units
When doing calculations with mixed unit types, the larger unit wins:
When units don't share a common base unit, the last used unit wins:
Multiplying Units
Soulver only supports units that have been pre-defined in its math engine, not compound units that do "not exist":
Soulver will make an implicit rate when a supported unit cannot be created through multiplication:
Unit Formatting
Soulver displays a unit's symbol rather than its full name in the answer column.
You may, however, use the full unit name in expressions. Most units have multiple aliases, depending on your preference.
Adding Additional Units
You can add additional units to Soulver in the Calculator > Custom units
Custom units are defined in terms of an existing units. You cannot add new unit categories to Soulver at this time.
Last updated
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