Totals & Subtotals

By default, Soulver displays a total of all your lines in the bottom right hand corner.

You can also show the average of your lines by right-clicking on the total and choosing Switch to Average

If the total is not helpful in your particular workflow, you can hide it by hovering over it and clicking Hide. To show the total again, go to the View menu and choose Show Total.


Press ⌘T or hover over an answer and click the make subtotal button (the middle button) to make a line a subtotal. A subtotal line will add up all lines above, up to the next subtotal or heading (#).

In Soulver for iPad & Soulver for iPhone, to make a subtotal line, hold down on an empty line, or on the empty space below your bottom answer, and choose Make Subtotal Line:

Tip: you can create a variable on a subtotal line using "variable = " and leaving the value blank.

Last updated