Currency Conversions
Soulver includes live rates for 190+ currencies (& a few commodities).
To perform a currency conversion, use the currency's 3 letter code, and convert using in
or to
or as
Soulver automatically downloads the latest exchange rates every hour. You can manually trigger a rate refresh from the Settings
> Currencies
Historical currency conversions
You can perform a historical currency conversion which uses the rates on a particular date in the past:
Historical currency rates are available for real-world currencies (back to 1999), and also for Bitcoin (back to 2013).
Currency conversions with specified rates
You can manually specify the rate you'd like used in a currency conversion:
Supported Currencies
Currency Symbols
Soulver respects your Mac's region settings to determine which currency to use for the $ symbol.
For example, if you live in Australia, $ will mean "AUD". If you live in the United States, $ will mean "USD".
The following abbreviations are also supported in Soulver for currencies that use the dollar symbol $:
US$ (USD), NZ$ (NZD), C$ (CAD), A$ (AUD), S$ (SGD), NT$ (TWD), HK$ (HKD)
You can customize the which symbols are used for which currency Settings > Calculator > Currency Symbols
Last updated