Conditionals & Comparisons

if x then y else z


Like most programming languages, Soulver supports conditionals, (also known as "if statements").

In Soulver, a conditional is expressed on a single line:

earnings = $45k                             | $45,000.00
if earnings > $30k then tax = 20% else tax = 5%
My tax paid: earnings × tax                 | $9,000.00

Declare a variable using a conditional

income = $35k
expenses = $21.5k
profitable = true if income > expenses        | true
insolvent = false unless expenses > income    | false

Using "and" and "or" in conditionals

BMI = 24
Underweight = BMI < 18.5                        | false
Healthy Weight = BMI >= 18.5 and BMI < 25       | true
Overweight = BMI >= 25 and BMI < 30             | false
Obese = BMI >= 30                               | false

&& and || are also supported

Comparison operators & booleans

Soulver supports standard "C" style comparison operators. A boolean value (true or false) is returned).



Equal to


Not equal to


Greater than


Less than


Greater than or equal to


Less than or equal to


You may assign a variable a boolean value directly

cost = $500                                 
discount = true                        
if discount then cost = cost - 10%
cost                                    | $450.00

You can also use comparison operators outside if statements

20km == 20,000 m                        | true
11:30 am < 9:30 am                      | false

Last updated

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