Dates & Timestamps

Dates in the future & past

today + 3 weeks                     | 1 October
yesterday - 8 weeks 3 days          | 12 July

3 days from now                     | 13 September
3 days ago                          | 7 September

28 days before March 12             | 12 February
2 months 3 days after June 5        | 8 August

days since July 15                  | 57 days
days till December 25               | 106 days

Intervals of time between two dates

January 10 - February 5             | 3 weeks 5 days

3 March to 30 May                   | 2 months 3 weeks 6 days
days between 3 March and 30 May     | 88 days 

Monday - Friday                     | 4 days

Inclusive intervals of time between two dates

Monday through Friday                | 5 days
April 1 through April 30 in days     | 30 days

Time in a month or quarter

days in Q3                         | 92 days
days in February 2020              | 29 days

Midpoint between two dates

midpoint between March 12 and April 5        | 24 March    
halfway between today and next Thursday      | 13 September

Week numbers (ISO 8601)

week of year                                   | 36
week number on march 12, 2021                  | 10    

Day of the week on a particular date

day of the week on January 24, 1984            | Tuesday
weekday on March 9, 2024                       | Saturday


Unix time is a system for describing a moment in time, often used in programming. A timestamp is the number of seconds that have passed since the "reference date" (January 1st, 1970).

April 1, 2019 to timestamp               | 1554109200
1559740303.48 to date                    | 5 June 2019 at 11:11 pm

To get a timestamp for the present moment, use current timestamp

current timestamp                         | 1559740303.48

ISO8601 Formatting

ISO8601 is an international standard for formatting dates & times, often used by databases.

April 1, 2019 3:30pm as iso8601               | 2019-04-01T15:30:00Z

Last updated

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